
Podali informacje dotyczące Bella Skyway. Czy festiwal będzie tym razem płatny?

Daniel WiśniewskiDaniel Wiśniewski 18:00, 06.06.2024 . Aktualizacja: 17:09, 07.06.2024
Skomentuj Archiwum DDToruń. Fot. Agnieszka Bielecka Archiwum DDToruń. Fot. Agnieszka Bielecka

Już wkrótce kolejna edycja Bella Skyway Festiwal. Magistrat przedstawił motyw przewodni tegorocznej imprezy. Zobaczcie, co się będzie tym razem działo.

Tym razem Bella Skyway Festival, który rozpocznie się 20 i potrwa do 24 sierpnia, ma na celu nie tylko zachwycenie widzów świetlnymi instalacjami, ale także promocję odnawialnych źródeł energii oraz technologii sprzyjających harmonii z naturą.

Taką informację podał urząd miasta w Toruniu.

- Tegoroczny Bella Skyway Festival dzięki motywowi przewodniemu Overflow nawiązuje zarówno do technologii oraz tematu ekologii i dbania o naszą planetę. Nowoczesne rozwiązania i technologie tworzone przez prawdziwych wizjonerów, takich jak wywodzący się z Torunia Kopernik sprawiają, że nasza planeta staje się wyjątkowym miejscem, nie tylko pełnym zieleni, ale również miejscem gdzie technika i natura współistnieją w harmonii

- czytamy w miejskim newsletterze.

Wszystkie instalacje tegorocznej edycji zostaną przygotowane w obrębie ulic i zakamarków starego miasta.

Zapłacimy za wstęp?

Owszem, ale jedynie za wejście na jedną atrakcję. Pozostałe będą ogólnodostępne za darmo.

Co sądzisz na ten temat?

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My name is Irina. I am an expert in posting articles and texts on various websites.

Would you be interested in mutual cooperation? In fact, I have to propose you something but before starting working answer please this questionnaire in the link below:

It takes no more than 3 minutes but will clarify all the details of the project and accelerate each stage of your future partnership.

Thank you in advance for your time and I’m looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.

If you require any further information about the questionnaire or anything else, feel free to contact me.

Best regards, Irina
21:02, 08.06.2024




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Dear Team at

My name is Melvin and I am a volunteer with United 27 Ukrainian Charity. I have found on Twitter

I have tried contacting you via email listed on but without any luck. I hope you do not mind me reaching out to you via your website.

As the full-scale war escalates, stand with Ukraine now! Please help those in urgent need of items for immediate emergency, medical supplies, first aid kits, transportation & critical services. We raise funds to provide immediate, direct support.
Please show your support for Ukraine by donating to our bitcoin wallet addresses. No donation is too small. All funds received will be used to buy humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting bank payments as we are looking for a new banking partner.

Bitcoin: bc1qerffjudq7tmw8anluf7uszek2gzauxeh4g2nsv

You can purchase and send bitcoin to the above wallet address via or

I would be grateful if you could share this message with on social media, website and in-person.

I thank you for your support and making a difference.

In case you are not aware, here is the background to the Ukrainian crisis.

Millions of Ukrainians fell victim of the russian invasion and became hostages on their own land. The injured and wounded, orphaned children, the elderly, the internally displaced and the refugees urgently need your help!

The russian military is constantly attacking Ukraine's energy infrastructure. Droves of people have already fled Ukraine. Those who remain face an array of traumas from armed conflict to hobbled health care services to lack of heat, water, electricity, and food as well as mobile and internet communication problems.

Within our current appeal, we are raising funds to supply portable generators to Ukraine helping hospitals, orphanages, schools and shelters get through a bitterly cold winter when power fails and electricity turns off. This will compliment our initial appeal to secure donations to provide items for immediate emergency, medical supplies, first aid kits, transportation & critical services.

With your support we hope to raise £1,500,000 towards medical aid (e.g., the basic health kit is £440, covering 1000 people for 3 months; the pharmaceutical compliment pack is £2,200 and covers 10,000 people during 3 months; this can also supply the secondary level hospitals), tactical medicines and evacuation fund. We work closely with charities and NGOs in Ukraine, that deliver medical and humanitarian aid directly to those in need, including casualties and those helping them.

Help us cope with new humanitarian and medical aid challenges as a massive humanitarian crisis threatens millions of lives.

These are the new challenges, in addition to those, which Ukraine has already been facing since 2014: more than 14,000 people have been killed, a quarter of them were civilians, and as many as 30,000 have been wounded. Over 3.5 million people required humanitarian assistance and protection. About 1,584,000 residents of Crimea and Donbas were internally displaced persons after being compelled to leave their homes. More than 228,000 Ukrainian children became orphaned.

Kind regards

Melvin Killough
phone: 7084872935
Address: 4861 Hog Camp Road, Arlington Heights, 60005, IL, United States 07:36, 11.06.2024

